Strawberry Jam

recipe by Joy of Cooking

Almost any fresh fruit can be made into jam by mashing or finely slicing it, adding an approximately equal amount of sweetener, and simmering it until it gels.

4 cups ripe strawberries
4 cups pure cane sugar
½ lemon
4 sterilized mason jars

Wash and dry strawberries very well, removing the stems. Slice berries into halves or quarters and place into a heavy 10-inch cooking pot. Cover berries with the sugar.

Stir the berry and sugar mixture very gently with a wooden spoon over low heat until the mixture becomes juicy. Raise the heat to medium and stop stirring.

Once the entire mixture begins bubbling, set your timer for 15-17 minutes and do not disturb. You may periodically stir the mixture gently with a wood spoon, to ensure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.

When the timer rings, tilt the pot. You'll know the jam is done if the liquid at the bottom of the pot begins to set. Remove the pot from the stove and allow the jam to cool uncovered.

When cooled, sprinkle the surface of the jam with the juice of ½ a lemon. Stir the jam lightly.

Pour or ladle into sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.


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