Zucchini Quiche

Recipe by Khalti Samiha

2 cups diced zucchinis (about three medium-sized zucchinis)
1½ cups cubed sharp cheddar cheese (about half a pound) *reserve some for garnish
1 chopped large onion (or two small/medium sized)
1¼ cups Bisquick all purpose baking mix
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon black pepper
4 large eggs
½ cup vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 350° F. Combine zucchini, cheese, and onions in a large mixing bowl. Coat well with Bisquick, oregano, and black pepper. Pour mix into a greased 8"×10" baking dish. Press mix down into the dish, to eliminate any gaps.

In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the eggs and vegetable oil together, and then drizzle over the zucchini mixture. Grate reserved cheese, and sprinkle on top of the quiche.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until puffy and golden brown.

Serves 8-12 people.


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